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Revista Brasileira de Economia

The RBE is a generalist journal within the universe of academic economics publications. It publishes articles in various areas of economics. Any theme or methodology may be found within its pages, as long as they are at the frontier of their field of knowledge and possess the rigor and sophistication that have exemplified the publication from its very first issue.
(587 Records)

Revista Conjuntura Economica

Lançada em novembro de 1947, a Revista Conjuntura Econômica já está há mais de meio século no mercado editorial. Acompanhando as mudanças e principais transformações que ocorreram no Brasil nesse longo período, a publicação é editada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Economia da Fundação Getulio Vargas (IBRE/FGV), e se consolidou como a mais tradicional revista de economia do país.
(1749 Records)

International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies

The journal publishes research and applied articles from all areas of Electronic Commerce. The journal encourages manuscript submissions from authors all over the world. Articles in the International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies will include, but are not limited to the following areas:
(136 Records)

The Scientific Journal for Economics and Management

The journal publishes both theoretical and applied original scientific articles in the field of economics and management. The journal was established in 1998. It follows the tradition started in 1971, and now discontinued, of the Collection of Scientific Papers, Series for Economics (ISSN 0139-8849) published by the State Pedagogical Publishing in Prague for the Faculty of Economics in České Budějovice, University of Agriculture in Prague. All papers submitted to the journal are subject to the double blind peer-reviewing procedure. The editorial board chooses reviewers from among the most renowned academic and scientific personalities in their field of expertise. Only those papers with relevant scientific contribution are published, which have not been previously published, or offered or accepted in a different journal. The journal is open to all authors who fulfil the stated criteria. Papers are published preferably in the English language.
(138 Records)

Journal of Administrative and Economics Science

Its purpose is to provide an opportunity for scholars to publish their original research in the field of economic and administration.
(96 Records)

Library Leadership & Management

Library Leadership & Management (LL&M) is the official journal of the Library Leadership and Management Association. LL&M focuses on assisting library administrators and managers at all levels as they deal with day-to-day challenges. In-depth articles address a wide variety of management issues and highlight examples of successful management methods used in libraries. Features include interviews with prominent practitioners in libraries and related fields, and columns with practical advice on managing libraries.
(526 Records)

Ciencias Económicas

Ciencias Económicas es una publicación semestral de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Su objetivo es la divulgación de trabajos científicos en las áreas vinculadas y afines a Economía, Administración y Contabilidad. Asimismo, persigue la difusión de investigaciones que avancen en el mejoramiento de la Calidad Educativa de dichas ciencias a Nivel Superior. Sus potenciales autores son, por tanto, docentes e investigadores universitarios o pertenecientes a organismos de investigación y desarrollo nacionales e internacionales. Está distribuida bajo la Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
(143 Records)

Journal of Applied Research in Finance and Economics

Journal of Applied Research in Finance and Economics (JARFE) is the international academic journal aiming to publish high quality research findings in all sub-areas of economics and finance and to bring new perspectives to theoretical and empirical research. Moreover, It is double-blind peer-reviewed academic journal publishing high quality conceptual and measure development articles in the areas of finance, economics and related disciplines. It publishes high-quality refereed empirical research on all aspects. The Journal's emphasis is on empirical, applied, and policy-oriented research in finance, economics and other related areas.
(30 Records)

TEC Empresarial Review

TEC Empresarial Review (1659-3359) is a publication of the Escuela de Administracion de Empresas of the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ITCR) [School of Business Administration of the Technology Institute of Costa Rica], aimed at parties interested in management themes, specifically teachers, researchers, graduates and students of this field, as well as entrepreneurs and managers of small, medium and large companies. Its objective is to provide constant updating in the science and art of management, in order to improve readers’ performance. As a management review, we accept articles from any of administration branches. We look for original articles in traditional areas such as finance, marketing, human resources or strategic planning, as well as in emerging ones like applied business technologies, globalization, innovation, SMEs, entrepreneurship, and experimental economics, among others.

(139 Records)

Revista Apuntes del CENES

Revista Apuntes del CENES (0120-3053) is a biannual publication of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, which from its inception in September 1981 until today has generated a scientific forum to publish the written work of scholars and national and foreign researchers on issues related to economic theory, economic policy, regional economics, finance and other topics regarding economics in national and international context.
(209 Records)

Journal of Economics and Business - SPOUDAI

SPOUDAI is a peer-reviewed journal, publishing rigorous analytical papers, theoretical and empirical that deal with contemporary economic and business issues. It fosters both theoretical and quantitative contributions to Economics and Business. SPOUDAI not only serves as a link between theorists and practitioners, but also builds a bridge between economists and their colleagues in related fields. Contributions which make use of the methods of mathematics, statistics and operations research will be welcomed, provided the conclusions are factual and properly explained.
(861 Records)

Journal of Tax Administration

The Journal of Tax Administration is a peer-reviewed, open access journal concerned with all aspects of tax administration. Initiated in 2015, it is a joint venture between the University of Exeter and the Chartered Institute of Taxation. JOTA provides an interdisciplinary forum for research on all aspects of tax administration. Research in this area is currently widely dispersed across a range of outlets making it difficult to keep abreast of. Tax administration can also be approached from a variety of perspectives including, but not limited to, accounting, economics, psychology, sociology and law. JOTA seeks to bring together these disparate perspectives within a single source, to engender more nuanced debate about this significant aspect of socio-economic relations. Submissions are welcome from both researchers and practitioners on tax compliance, tax authority organisation and functioning, comparative tax administration and global developments. As an e-journal, JOTA provides contributors with flexibility in terms of presentation including the possibility to enhance textual contributions with a variety of media content.

The editorial team welcomes a wide variety of methodological approaches including analytical modelling, archival, experimental, survey, qualitative and descriptive approaches. Submitted papers are subjected to a rigorous blind peer review process. In preparing papers for submission to the journal, authors are requested to bear in mind the diverse readership, which includes academics from a wide range of disciplinary backgrounds, tax policy makers and administrators and tax practitioners. Technical and methodological discussion should be tailored accordingly, and lengthy mathematical derivations, if any, should be located in appendices.

(94 Records)

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies

Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies (JEBS) is an open access peer reviewed journal (ISSN 2220-6140) that publishes original unpublished research work. JEBS provides a forum for the intellectual exchange of academic research in the fields of economics, finance and behavioral studies.

(0 Records)

Information Management and Business Review (IMBR)

Information Management and Business Review (IMBR) is an open access peer reviewed journal with ISSN 2220-3796. It publishes original unpublished research work related to contemporary business, information management and other relevant areas. IMBR publishes research work of considerable interest that contributes to theoretical bases of contemporary business and world economy. IMBR publishes 6 issues per year.
(0 Records)

Journal of Social and Development Sciences (JSDS)

Journal of Social and Development Sciences (JSDS) is a peer reviewed open access journal (ISSN 2221-1152) publishes original unpublished research work. A scholarly journal deals with the disciplines of social and development sciences. JSDS publishes research work that meaningfully contributes towards theoretical bases of contemporary developments in society.
(0 Records)

Scholedge International Journal of Business Policy & Governance

Scholedge International Journal of Business Policy & Governance (SIJBPG) is an international peer reviewed monthly research publication covering business policy and governance areas i.e. Business Policy, Economic Policy, Strategic Management, Strategic Planning, Strategy Implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Stakeholders Management, Corporate Governance and Public Policy Management & Governance. SIJBPG has an international readership and high possible citability to its published research articles. The journal has a readership in libraries worldwide via our institutional partners. Various content sharing agreements entered into by Scholedge R&D Center has made it possible to give enlarged worldwide visibility to the published papers. The strict policy on plagiarism is applicable on all the submitted papers. It is always ensured that only original research goes for the editorial review. The adherence to the scholarly standards has helped the journal in achieving an international recognition and repute.

(4 Records)

Academy of Management and Economic Journal

Academy of Management & Economics Journal is an official Journal of Innovative Journal. The editorial board welcomes systematic and general reviews, audits, case reports, descriptive and educational papers and other articles that may be of interest to readers. Aim: The journal includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for the quality of publishing. Focuses on publishing scholarly articles which is related to continuous and regular production and distribution of goods and services for satisfying human wants. Finance is a branch of economics concerned with resource allocation as well as resource management, acquisition and investment. The journal provides an open access platform for research in the areas of business, finance, financial planning and banking research.

(5 Records)

Management and Economic Education Journal

Management & Economics  Education Journal is an official Journal of Innovative Journal. The editorial board welcomes systematic and general reviews, audits, case reports, descriptive and educational papers and other articles that may be of interest to readers. Aim: The journal includes a wide range of fields in its discipline to create a platform for the authors to make their contribution towards the journal and the editorial office promises a peer review process for the submitted manuscripts for the quality of publishing. Focuses on publishing scholarly articles which is related to continuous and regular production and distribution of goods and services for satisfying human wants. Finance is a branch of economics concerned with resource allocation as well as resource management, acquisition and investment. The journal provides an open access platform for research in the areas of business, finance, financial planning and banking research.
(0 Records)

Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies

Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies (AJSSMS) is an open access and peer reviewed journal. The main objective of AJSSMS is to provide an intellectual platform for the international scholars. AJSSMS aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in business as well as in social science and become the leading journal in business and social science in the world. AJSSMS publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes and book reviews. Special issues devoted to important topics in business and social science will occasionally be published. Business innovations and research strategies, tactics and tools of both theoretical and practical nature are welcome.

(139 Records)

Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research

The Asian Journal of Economics and Empirical Research (AJEER) is a unique platform supervised by the internationally recognized Editorial Board which provides an opportunity to share knowledge especially for academicians and researches of the globe on contemporary issues. The AJEER receives original work on economic issues as well as on statistical and econometric issues. We would like to invite you to submit your manuscript to one of the following sections: Macroeconomcis, International Economics, Econometrics, Business Economics, Growth and Development, Regional Economics, Tourism Economics, International Trade, Finance, International Finance etc.

(105 Records)


Economy is a peer-reviewed international open access journal for the field of development economics and macroeconomics. Subject Areas: Economic Theory, Developing Process, Sustainable Growth, National And International Income Distribution, Natural Resources, Productivity Developments etc.

(105 Records)

Asian Bulletin of Energy Economics and Technology

Asian Bulletin of Energy Economics and Technology (ABEET) is an international peer reviewed journal addressing the policy implications of energy supply and demand from their economic, social, planning and environmental aspects. People’s well-being, industrial competitiveness and overall functioning of the society are dependent on safe, secure, sustainable and affordable energy. The journal welcome academic research concerned with the economic analysis of energy and technology issues. Theme of journal include number of disciplines, including: Economic Theory, Financial Economics, Regulatory Economics, Computational Economics, Statistics, Econometrics etc.

(26 Records)


Growth is an  open access journal, publishes theoretical and empirical research in economic growth and dynamic of macroeconomics. Subject Areas: Endogenous Growth Models, Growth and Income Distribution, Human Capital, Fertility, Financial sector policies, Trade Policies, Development etc.

(30 Records)

Management Dynamics

Management Dynamics (MD) is a peer-reviewed, and an international journal. MD publishes empirical and theoretical research papers that have a great effect on the management field as a whole.  MD promotes new thoughts on current research. MD covers following areas such as. Banking, Business Strategy and Policy, Corporate Governance, Economics etc.

(1 Records)

Asian Accounting & Auditing Advancement

Its aim is to publish scholarly accounting, finance, economics and business technology research on issues which are relevant to the Asian region, especially those providing practical implications to promote better business decision making and public policy formulation. An academic journal that aims to advance knowledge in the accounting and business disciplines, to narrow the gap between theory and practice, and to set direction for policy initiatives in Asia and in the broader global arena. The Asian Accounting and Auditing Advancement (ISSN 2218-5666) is an international refereed journal, published twice a year by the Asian Business Consortium, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The journal covers a broad spectrum of accounting, finance, economics and business technology areas and its sub-areas.
(15 Records)

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