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Aspects of social rehabilitation of parents, who's children are in institutional care

Social Work

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Title Aspects of social rehabilitation of parents, who's children are in institutional care
Kūdikių namų auklėtinių tėvų socialinės reabilitacijos aspektas
Creator Radzevičienė, Liuda
Subject infant home; parents who are at social risk; aspects of social rehabilitation
kūdikių namai; rizikos grupės tėvai; socialinės reabilitacijos aspektai
Description Child’s normal development is possible in full value family only. People, who can’t bring up their children, are the problematic part of the society. At present time solving the questions of social rehabilitation in the care institutions, the main attention is paid to the child’s problems of socialization. But parents of the child are a compound part of the process. Demographic characteristic of the parents, who refused their children and the possibilities of social rehabilitation of them are presented in this article. New aspects of social work in the care institutions are discussed as well.Research that was done in the infant homes of Lithuania is a pilot research, that’s why we can’t do exact conclusions; but we clarify some tendencies, that are common to all infant homes of Lithuania. 50 children from infant homes and 42 parents (35 mothers and 7 fathers) took part in the research.The analyses of the data revealed that 1) adults with special needs (mental retardation most of all) are not ready to take care for their children independently; 2) there is no specialized institutions to prepare and help them to deal with their problems and duties; 3) at the same time problems of social welfare, job, social guaranties became painfully evident; 4) people grown up in care institutions hardly integrates into social environment and social life.Children who are placed to infant homes have prenatal and postnatal pathology and this condition is burdened by psychical deprivation. As a developmental risk factor harmful habits of parents stand out. We define 6 groups of the risk, but it’s hard to clarify which one is the main, because in a lot of cases risk factors are mixed. Placement of a child to the care institution is not the best way to solve a problem. Child’s separation from the destructive environment means the sufficient health care and possibility of education only. At early age a child is connected with his/her family with strong emotional and social links (in spite of that, that these links are really displaced) and this sense for early age child is the most important. Placing a child to care institution and separating him/her from biological mother (or family) only, we do a huge harm for his psychosocial development. The best thing we can do is to place child together with his/ her mother, or organize social, educational, legal, medical care at child’s home. Parents whose rights to the child are eliminated or limited, experience a lot of feelings: up to deep depression. So, the aim of social rehabilitation in care institutions is to optimize life quality of adults as well.We can do such conclusions: 1. There are no enough scientific studies concerning aspects of social rehabilitation of the people who are in the lowest parts of our society. 2. Social rehabilitation in the care institution must be based on the understanding of the particularities of institutional environment, professional competence of the workers and close partnership with parents of the infant home wards. 3. The main goal of social rehabilitation in Infant homes not an infant, but the whole family as a unit. 4. The wide and effective structures of social, legal, medical and educate help must be created in order to solve questions of social rehabilitation.
Visavertė vaiko raida gali vykti tik augant darnioje šeimoje. Žmonės, dėl įvairių priežasčių neauginantys savo vaikų, yra problemiška visuomenės dalis. Sprendžiant bendruosius socialinės reabilitacijos klausimus globos įstaigose, daugiau dėmesio kreipiama į vaikų socializacijos problemas, nors tėvai yra viena iš sudėtinių šio proceso dalių. Straipsnyje apibūdinami kūdikių namų auklėtinių tėvai bei gvildenama jų socialinės reabilitacijos reikšmė ir galimybės. Aptariami kai kurie socialinio darbo globos institucijose aspektai.
Publisher Mykolo Romerio Universitetas

Date 2014-06-13
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Social Work; Vol 2, No 4 (2003): Social Work; 56-66
Socialinis darbas; Vol 2, No 4 (2003): Social Work; 56-66
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Social Work