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Free Movement of Workers of the European Union Public Sector: Regulation and Improvement Possibilities

Public Policy And Administration

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Title Free Movement of Workers of the European Union Public Sector: Regulation and Improvement Possibilities
Laisvas darbuotojų judėjimas Europos Sąjungos viešajame sektoriuje: reglamentavimas ir tobulinimo galimybės
Creator Junevičius, Algis; Kaunas University of Technology
Junevičienė, Ona; Kaunas College
Subject free movement of workers; the public sector; employment in the public service; exercise of powers conferred by public law; protection of state interests
free movement of workers; the public sector; employment in the public service; exercise of powers conferred by public law; protection of state interests
Description Over past 40 years the principle of free movement of workers has been continuously developed and strengthened. At the beginning this fundamental right was formed for the economically active participants of labour market; then it was gradually extended to other sectors of society, including the public. The research object of this article – is free movement of workers in the public sector. The author of this article pursues to reveal similarities and differences of free movement of workers in both public and private sectors, highlights legal, administrative and practical obstacles of the implementation of this law. Public sector, in particular, firstly, is seen as the sector in which the creation of various jobs must be identified. Particular attention is paid to the application of the exception in the “work of the civil service” teleological analysis. The measures of the European Commission for the modernization of the sector are also identified.DOI:
Per paskutinius 40 metų laisvo darbuotojų judėjimo principas buvo nuolat plėtojamas ir stiprinamas. Ši pagrindinė teisė, pradžioje sukurta ekonomiškai aktyviems darbo rinkos dalyviams, buvo palaipsniui išplėsta į kitus visuomenės sektorius, tarp jų ir viešąjį. Šio straipsnio mokslinio tyrimo objektas – darbuotojų judėjimas viešajame sektoriuje. Autorius siekia atskleisti laisvo darbuotojų judėjimo viešajame ir privačiame sektoriuose skirtumus ir ypatumus, išryškinti teisines, administracines ir praktines šios teisės įgyvendinimo kliūtis.  Viešasis sektorius, kaip ir privatus, kuria darbo vietas, į kurias gali pretenduoti ir migrantai. Ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas išimties taikymo „darbui valstybės tarnyboje“ analizei. Identifi-kuojamos Europos Komisijos priemonės, modernizuojant šį sektorių.DOI:
Publisher Kaunas University of Technology

Date 2012-03-27

Format application/pdf
Source Public Policy And Administration; Vol 11, No 1 (2012); 37-48
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 11, No 1 (2012); 37-48
Language en