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Defense System as the Object of State Government

Public Policy and Administration

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Title Defense System as the Object of State Government
Gynybos sistema kaip valstybinio valdymo objektas
Creator Orenius, Algirdas
Subject defense system; strategy of defense system; degree of security

gynybos sistema; gynybos sistemos strategija; saugumo laipsnis

Description One of today major problems of public administration – defense system of the state and planning of her strategy. Sucha situation is, because too small attention was paid for it in literature of public administration, like a specific problem that belong to sector of public administration. This problem often is solved only in military aspect, and is hold as a part of military defense system. There are not enough competitive specialist and experts who would understand sucha problem and would take part solving it as well.It is very important to understand, that defense system is systematic objekt and all problematic should be taken as a whole system that integrate and accumulate different, even opposite elements. Spectrum of methods is very wide, and amount is very large, and for realization well-organized and effective management should be involved. Effectiveness of defense system depends on ability to use all possible resources that are in the state. That is why defense system and control of he implementation should belong to public administration.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos gynybos sistemos ir jos strategijos kūrimo bei įgyvendinimo problemos. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama nuostatai, kad valstybės gynyba, kaip veiksmas, yra nacionalinio saugumo kulminacija, ir šio veiksmo efektyvumas priklauso nuo mokėjimo sutelkti bei tinkamai panaudoti visus šalies išteklius nepaisant jų priklausomybės. Gynybos sistema yra sudėtingas sisteminis objektas, todėl problemų visuma, susijusi su jos kūrimu, turi būti suvokiama kaip tam tikra vientisa sistema, integruojanti bei akumuliuojanti įvairius, kartais net prieštaringus elementus. Dėl šių priežasčių jos valdymas turi būti priskirtas valstybės valdymo sričiai, o pati gynybos sistema negali būti sutapatinta su karinės gynybos sistema – tai pastaruoju metu dažnai daroma.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2014-07-19
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Public Policy and Administration; Vol 1, No 2 (2002): Public Policy and Administration; 48-53
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 1, No 2 (2002): Public Policy and Administration; 48-53
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Public Policy and Administration