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Strategic Planning Models of the (Departments of) Public Sector Institutions in Foreign Countries

Public Policy and Administration

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Title Strategic Planning Models of the (Departments of) Public Sector Institutions in Foreign Countries
Viešojo sektoriaus institucijų (departamentų) strateginio planavimo modeliai užsienio šalyse
Creator Arimavičiūtė, Malvina
Subject department; strategic plan; models; planning method; planning goal; context; the content of a plan
departamentas; strateginis planas; modeliai; planavimo būdas; planavimo tikslas; kontekstas; plano turinys
Description This article analyses the strategic plans of 10 departments of foreign countries using three approaches: by planning method, by content of the strategy, and by the context. Rational strategic planning method dominates the strategic plans of the departments and the models of process connections, in which strategic planning and implementation is based on the changes implemented by an institution, are not used very often. As to the strategic content, the main goals of departmental strategies are expansion of activities, transformation, and application of new policies. The context of the external environment is evaluated in the strategic plans of few departments. The analysis of internal factors and resources is also rarely performed. Besides environmental context and targeted specialisation, the following (specific) areas are investigated in the strategic plans of some departments: decentralisation, strategic challenges, partnership, and risk evaluation.
Straipsnyje analizuojama užsienio šalių dešimties departamentų strateginiai planai trimis požiūriais: pagal planavimo būdą, strategijos turinį ir kontekstą. Nustatyta, kad departamentų strateginiuose planuose dominuoja analitinis strategijos rengimo būdas taikant racionalų planavimą. Strateginio turinio prasme pagrindiniais departamentų tikslais tampa veiklos plėtra, transformacijos ir naujoji politika. Išorinis ir vidinis kontekstai analizuojami nedaugelio departamentų strateginiuose planuose.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2013-02-18
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Public Policy and Administration; Vol 11, No 4 (2012): Public Policy and Administration; 581–594
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 11, No 4 (2012): Public Policy and Administration; 581–594
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Public Policy and Administration