Analysis of Development of the Czech Enterprises
Public Policy and Administration
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Title |
Analysis of Development of the Czech Enterprises
Čekijos įmonių vystymosi analizė |
Creator |
Sedlaček, Jaromir
Subject |
comparison; efficiency; enterprise; influence
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Description |
The efficiency of the Czech companies in period 1996-2004, measured by return on capital and revenues, did not develop very favorably, only in the year 2000 came the turn. This contribution examines the factors that influenced this development and indicates the ways pointing to improvement. Even though the common Czech industrial company was only seldom created of economic value added, it is evident the positive influence of macroeconomic remedies accepted in the field of the price of credit capital and of legal entity income tax. Also another factors, that the performed analysis does not study, can be certain the accelerator of the efficiency growth – as for example the structural changes of branches, inflow of foreign investments, changes in the field of human capital, company culture, ethics, etc.
Šiame straipsnyje autorius analizuoja per pastaruosius devynerius metus Čekijos įmonių pasiektus ekonominius efektyvumo rezultatus ir bando aiškintis pagrindinius faktorius, kurie nulemia kapitalo grąžos (pelningumo) rodiklius. Savo analizę autorius atlieka remdamasis iš esmės dviem metodais: turto grąža (return on assets) ir kapitalo grąža (return on equity). Atlikdamas tyrimą, autorius taip pat atsižvelgia ir į valstybės ekonominės politikos reikšmę Čekijos pramonės vystymuisi. Straipsnio pabaigoje pateiktose išvadose autorius nurodo svarbiausius faktorius, lemiančius Čekijos įmonių efektyvumo didėjimą 2000 m. |
Publisher |
Mykolas Romeris University
Contributor |
— |
Date |
Type |
info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — — |
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Identifier |
Source |
Public Policy and Administration; Vol 1, No 15 (2006): Public Policy and Administration; 125-133
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 1, No 15 (2006): Public Policy and Administration; 125-133 2029-2872 1648-2603 |
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