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"Evaluation Methodology of the Development Stage of a Country"

Intellectual Economics

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Title "Evaluation Methodology of the Development Stage of a Country"
„Šalies plėtros stadijos vertinimo metodologija“
Creator Bogdanova, Olga
Subject development; methodology; economics; the EU internal market
plėtra; metodologija; ekonomika; ES vidaus rinka
Description The assessment of a development stage of a country, as well as the determination of existing tendencies, is a sophisticated process, which has attracted the attention of economists for ages. Nevertheless, nowadays, the uniform methodology for the evaluation of a development stage of a country does not exist. World economists have identified plenty of factors that have more or less a significant impact on the economic situation of a country. However, the combination of the mentioned factors depends on the aim of the research. This paper presents the methodology for the evaluation of the development stage of a country in relation to the EU economic and political processes.
Šalies plėtros stadijos ir esamų tendencijų vertinimas – ilgalaikių tyrimų procesas, ir nesuformuota vieninga jo metodika. Straipsnyje siekiama pateikti tokį vertinimą, susietą su ES ekonominiais bei politiniais procesais ir paremtą 3 plėtros stadijų rodiklių išskyrimu. Formuojama metodika turėtų padėti nustatyti būdus įveikti galimoms strategijos įgyvendinimo kliūtims.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2013-09-09
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Intelektinė ekonomika; Vol 5, No 2 (2011): Intellectual economics; 189–199
Intellectual Economics; Vol 5, No 2 (2011): Intellectual economics; 189–199
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Intellectual Economics