Metacognitive Skills Education in the Lessons of the Social Education
Social Work
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Title |
Metacognitive Skills Education in the Lessons of the Social Education
Metakognityvinių gebėjimų ugdymas socialinio ugdymo pamokose |
Creator |
Čepaitė, Vitalija
Prakapas, Romas |
Subject |
metacognitive skills; social education; general education school
metakognityviniai gebėjimai; socialinis ugdymas; bendrojo ugdymo mokykla |
Description |
A metacognitive strategy that encourages pupils not only to gain knowledge, but to develop the ability to learn consciously, is expanding in documents that regulate education, discussing the organization of development in heterogeneous classes. This article analyses the specific aspects of the adaptation of metacognitive learning strategies in primary schools, highlighting the common trends of metacognitive learning that are dominant in social education lessons. A half-structured interview method was applied in order to receive the data under discussion. The interview included twelve pedagogues responsible for the administration of the social development curriculum: six of them are primary school teachers, while the other six are teachers of history, political science, civics and law. In summarizing the results of the research, it was determined that metacognitive learning is of a fragmented nature. The development of competences that are based on metacognitive abilities are most often linked with the pedagogues’ earlier theoretical preparation: including pupils in discussions about the learning/teaching process, cooperating with other pedagogues and parents, taking into consideration the motivation of pupils to be active, the stage of organizing a lesson by employing strategies that form a return tie, a multi-level social activity tied to the choices and other actions of the pupils themselves; however the results of the empirical research on the analysis of the lesson protocols show that the primary barrier to successful meta-cognitive learning is still the actions of a pedagogue that are based on the rules of the classical development paradigm in different stages of a lesson.
Šiuolaikinė didaktika, nepaneigdama visų klasikinės didaktikos teiginių, ryškina mokymo ir mokymosi edukacinės sistemos nuostatas, orientuotas į naujus mokymo reikalavimus. Pastarųjų metų švietimo veiklą reglamentuojančiuose dokumentuose, aptariant ugdymo organizavimą heterogeninėse klasėse, įsitvirtina metakognityvinė strategija, skatinanti moksleivius ne tik įgyti žinių, bet ir ugdytis gebėjimą mokytis sąmoningai, integraliai bei visybiškai. Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas metakognityvinių gebėjimų ugdymo socialinio ugdymo pamokose būvis. Straipsnyje pristatoma pusiau struktūruoto interviu būdu surinkta tyrimo medžiaga iš 12 už socialinį ugdymą atsakingų pedagogų (pradinių klasių, istorijos, politologijos, pilietiškumo pagrindų, teisės pagrindų mokytojų). Apibendrinus tyrimo duomenis daromos išvados, jog metakognityvinių gebėjimų ugdymas susijęs su pamokos planavimu, organizavimu ir refleksyviuoju vertinimu. |
Publisher |
Mykolo Romerio Universitetas
Contributor |
— |
Date |
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info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — — |
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Identifier |
Source |
Social Work; Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Social work; 433–442
Socialinis darbas; Vol 11, No 2 (2012): Social work; 433–442 2029-2775 1648-4789 |
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Rights |
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