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The tendencies in changes of the psychosocial personality development: delinquent behaviour and prognostication

Social Work

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Title The tendencies in changes of the psychosocial personality development: delinquent behaviour and prognostication
Psichosocialinės asmenybės raidos pokyčių tendencijos: delinkventinis elgesys ir prognozės
Creator Juodraitis, Adolfas

Description Social and personal life of every member of the society is regulated by several rules and norms. Law norms are socially effective because it is compulsory to follow them and the majority of society members approve moral norms. While prognosticating one’s behaviour and its possible transformations it is necessary to have in mind the qualities of the personality structure and the peculiarities of social factors and situations. There are several regularities identified:1) it is typical for the insufficiently integrated personality to react to the changes in the social situation by a particularly learned model of behaviour;2) in case of encountering behaviour regulation difficulties in adolescence and in case of society’s failure to apply adequate measures delinquent behaviour still remains in adulthood.It has been stated that the adaptation and its failures depend on the psychological developmental level of the individual and the degree of the support presented (Phillips, 1968). Today the economic and social reforms in Lithuania affect a large part of our society members and most often they are the less protected layers. Statistics show that a large group of socially segregated people has almost already emerged. It is evident that personality development in socially segregated families is influenced by many negative factors substantially interfering with the all–round opportunity of socialization. In the process of increase of social segregation cases the need of security of part of our society is not met and it determines an indifferent or even hostile attitude towards the system of different norms and values. Taking into consideration the peculiarities of minors’ psychophysical development and the qualitative contents of their social experience the increase of „crisis groups” is apparent and substantial. The largest part of wards are placed in special children’s education and shelter homes because of the misdeeds predetermined by the peculiarities of their social environment (low social–economic family status, incorrect mode of life, the transformed scale of values, etc.). Part of the minors’ delinquency problems will be solved by the implementation of the conception of minors’ criminal justice reform.
Straipsnyje aptariama delinkventinio asmenų elgesio problema besikeičiančioje visuomenėje ir priežastys, lemiančios nepilnamečių elgsenos transformacijas bei trikdančios jų socializacijos procesą. Kaip viena galima psichosocialinės asmenybės raidos pokyčių priežastis įvardijama „socialinės atskirties” asmenų grupė, kurios ekonominis–psichosocialinis statusas lemia įvairių deviacijų apraiškas įvairiose socialinėse situacijose. Aptariant nepilnamečių delinkventinio elgesio ištakas pabrėžiama asmenų adaptacijos socialinėje aplinkoje problema bei įgyvendinamos nepilnamečių kriminalinės justicijos reformos koncepcijos reikšmė.
Publisher Mykolo Romerio Universitetas

Date 2014-06-18
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Social Work; Vol 1, No 1 (2002): Social Work; 89-97
Socialinis darbas; Vol 1, No 1 (2002): Social Work; 89-97
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Social Work