Models of international business relations analysis and assessment usable in customs activities
Business Systems and Economics
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Title |
Models of international business relations analysis and assessment usable in customs activities
"Muitinių veikloje naudojami tarptautinio verslo ryšių analizės ir vertinimo modeliai" |
Creator |
Adomavičiūtė, Danutė
Gurevičienė, Jūratė Jadvyga |
Subject |
muitinė; verslo veiklos vertinimas; įgaliotasis ekonominių operacijų vykdytojas; prekių tiekimo grandinė |
Description |
Trade facilitation is a key policy for customs. International organisations such as the World Customs Organisation, whose work includes customs and trade issues, now recognise the importance of trade facilitation. Trade facilitation measures result in better controls and bigger revenues for governments from customs duties. It has been proven time and time again that simple, modern and transparent procedures enhance border control and fraud prevention, and lead to higher revenue intakes. One of the main elements of the security amendment of the Community Customs Code is the creation of the AEO concept. European exporters and importers are important participators in the world trade. The facilitation of these operations brings benefits to both the European economy and the economies of our trading partners. The growth of global trade and increasing security threats to the international movement of goods have forced customs administrations to shift their focus more to securing the international trade flow and away from the traditional task of collecting customs duties. Concept of ‘safety and security’ has been included in the European customs legislation. Enterprises involved in international trade and commerce may apply to customs for the status of an Authorised Economic Operator (AEO). Enterprises that would like to qualify for the AEO status must meet a number of criteria. This means that the business sector together with the customs is responsible for safe and incorruptible flow of goods crossing external borders. The introduction of the AEO status is an important next step for Lithuanian customs towards cooperation with the business sector. AEO certificate offers advantages in international trade. The paper identifies outline of the development of performance measurement in customs administrations. The article contains a comprehensive analysis of related research. Performance measurement has raised in the supply network environment from both local and global managerial perspectives. The performance measurement system should be a dynamic and ever changing system that reflects the strategic responses of the organization to its market.
Dabartinės globalios ekonomikos sąlygomis kiekvienos šalies socialinei ekonomineiplėtrai didelę įtaką daro muitinių veikla. Straipsnyje atskleistas muitinės vaidmuo visuomenės interesų apsaugai bei socialinei ekonominei plėtrai, muitinės procedūrų daroma įtaka verslo procesams. Pastaruoju metu ES šalių muitinės pradėjo vertinti verslo įmonių, siekiančių gauti įgaliotojo ekonominių operacijų vykdytojo statusą, veiklą. Siekiant tai įgyvendinti, iškilo būtinumas tyrinėti verslo įmonių veiklos vertinimo sritį. Apibendrinant įvairių šalių muitinių administracijų naudojamus verslo veiklos vertinimo modelius, atlikta jų analizė ir identifikuotos svarbiausios verslo veiklos vertinimo sritys. Muitinės atliekamas verslo įmonių veiklos vertinimo procesas pasižymi įvairiais procedūriniais aspektais, kylančiais iš pačios veiklos specifikos, todėl pats vertinimas gali turėti įvairių specifinių tikslų. |
Publisher |
Mykolo Romerio Universitas
Contributor |
— |
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info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion — — |
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Source |
Business Systems & Economics; Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Business Systems & Economics; 84-100
Verslo sistemos ir ekonomika; Vol 1, No 1 (2011): Business Systems & Economics; 84-100 2029-8234 |
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Rights |
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