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Unethical Behavior by Professional Accountant in an Organization

Timisoara Journal of Economics and Business

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Title Unethical Behavior by Professional Accountant in an Organization
Creator Oseni, Abubakar Idris
Description The continuing influence and impact which personal and professional ethics exerts upon individuals, organizations and society, and the factors which influence organizational ethics, has been thrust into the headlines of the American populous. The ethical issues faced daily by organizations and their employees are neither always straightforward nor easy to resolve. Results of unethical behaviour by accounting/audit professionals, and the impact of ethics upon organizations, is a topic of growing concern in corporate board rooms around the world. This paper will examine the timely and important ethics and its relevance and importance to overall corporate wellbeing. In particular, what factors influence the likelihood that an individual will act ethically or less than ethical, and what this means to management, the organization, and internal controls in general. This paper is designed to help educate people on unethical accounting practices, why they occur, and how we as a nation can promote ethical behaviour.
Publisher The International Institute for Science, Technology and Education (IISTE)
Date 2011-08-22
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source Research Journal of Finance and Accounting; Vol 2, No 2 (2011); 106-111
Language eng
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