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Problems of Demographic Ageing in European Social Policy Agenda

Social Work

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Title Problems of Demographic Ageing in European Social Policy Agenda
Demografinio senėjimo problemos socialinėje Europos Sąjungos darbotvarkėje
Creator Kanopienė, Vida
Mikulionienė, Sarmitė
Subject demographic ageing; population age structure; social policy; active ageing; health care
demografinis senėjimas; gyventojų amžiaus struktūra; socialinė politika; aktyvus senėjimas; sveikatos apsauga
Description European Union is facing the process of demographic aging - the continuing growth in the number of the older generations (those over 65 years) will change radically the age structure of the European Union. According to the recent Eurostat population projections, the proportion of the youngest (0-14 ) will decrease from 16,4 percent in 2004 to 13,4 percent in 2050, respectively the percentage of working age population (15-64) will change from 67,1 to 56,7 percent and the share pf the oldest (65 and over) will increase from 16,5 to 29,9 percent. The accelerating aging of the Europe population has had a tremendous and ambiguous impact on policy making and poses challenges to the economic system (labour force, consumption, investments and savings), education (development of adult education system), social care (new forms and strategies, development of long-term care) and health care systems.Collaboration at the EU level on demographic ageing issues has developed in the beginning of the 1990s – the policy measures targeted to overcome (or to slow/minimize) the negative consequences of this process were integrated to the key economic, employment and social (population and health policy) areas. These means are based on active aging approach and aim to raise the average quality of lives of the elderly and to increase their participation in employment and other spheres of social life.Within the overall framework of the EU approach to aging common challenges for the health policy have been identified – to achieve access to high quality health care and long term care for all while ensuring the financial sustainability of systems.
Straipsnyje, remiantis Europos Bendrijos komisijos pastarųjų metų dokumentais, nagrinėjama, kaip viešojoje politikoje atsižvelgiama į demografinius pokyčius ir spartų gyventojų senėjimą. Aptariama dabartinė Europos šalių gyventojų demografinio senėjimo padėtis ir jos ateities perspektyvos, pristatomos oficialiosios konceptualios nuostatos dėl gyventojų demografinio senėjimo, išsamiai atskleidžiama įvairių ES institucijų formuojama politika, integruojanti gyventojų demografinio senėjimo problemas į sveikatos ir kitas socialinės politikos sritis.
Publisher Mykolo Romerio Universitetas

Date 2014-05-22
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Social Work; Vol 5, No 2 (2006): Social Work; 5-14
Socialinis darbas; Vol 5, No 2 (2006): Social Work; 5-14
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Social Work