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Pertumbuhan Firma, Kewangan dan Kebebasan Ekonomi: Suatu Kajian Data Panel

Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia

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Title Pertumbuhan Firma, Kewangan dan Kebebasan Ekonomi: Suatu Kajian Data Panel
Creator Abdul Karim, Zulkefly
Muhamad Ali, Musa
Shah Zaidi, Mohd Azlan

Description ABSTRACTThis paper aims to examine empirically the influence of finance (sources of financing) and economic freedom uponthe growth of syariah compliance firms’ and conventional firms’, in which listed in Bursa Malaysia for the period of2000-2010. A static panel data technique namely a fixed effect model is used to estimate the determinants of firms’growth. The findings revealed that the internal and external financing has a positive effects and statistically significancein influencing the firms’ growth. The growth of syariah compliance firms’ are more sensitive to internal finance thanexternal finance, whereas, the growth of conventional firms’ are more sensitive to external finance than internal finance.On the other hand, the growth of syariah compliance firms’ are negatively affected by economic freedom, whereas, thegrowth of conventional firms’ are positively influenced by economic freedom.Keywords : Financial constraint; economic freedom; firms’ growth; static panel dataABSTRAKKertas ini bertujuan mengkaji secara empirikal pengaruh kewangan (sumber pembiayaan kewangan) dan kebebasanekonomi terhadap pertumbuhan firma patuh syariah dan konvensional yang tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia dari tahun2000-2010. Kaedah data panel statik dengan menggunakan model kesan tetap (fixed effect) telah digunakan untukmenganggar penentu pertumbuhan firma. Hasil kajian mendapati sumber kewangan dalaman dan kewangan luaranberhubungan positif dan signifikan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan firma. Di samping itu, pertumbuhan firma patuh syariahlebih sensitif dipengaruhi oleh kewangan dalaman berbanding dengan kewangan luaran, sebaliknya, pertumbuhanfirma konvensional lebih sensitif dipengaruhi oleh sumber kewangan luaran berbanding dengan kewangan dalaman.Selain itu, pertumbuhan firma patuh syariah berhubungan negatif dengan kebebasan ekonomi, manakala pertumbuhanfirma konvensional pula berhubungan positif dengan kebebasan ekonomi.Kata kunci: Kekangan kewangan; kebebasan ekonomi; pertumbuhan firma; data panel statik
Publisher Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
Date 2013-07-01
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article

Format application/pdf
Source Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia; Vol 47, No 1 (2013): Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia; 173-180
Language eng