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Assessing Project Suitability for Off-site Production

Construction Economics and Building

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Title Assessing Project Suitability for Off-site Production
Creator Blismas, Nick
Gibb, Alistair
Pasquire, Christine

Description Implementation of off-site production on construction projects isoften hindered by a number of specific process and procurementconstraints. These constraints are largely influenced by decisionswithin the control of construction clients, suggesting that theyhave a significant influence over the adoption of off-site productioninto construction projects. However, an appreciation of the effectof these constraints has been lacking. Addressing this need, anoff-site production implementation assessment instrument thatresides within a larger toolkit (IMMPREST) was developed usingquestionnaire survey data and a series of industrial workshops.IMMPREST is an interactive electronic toolkit developed byLoughborough University (UK), in conjunction with eleven industrialpartners, which facilitates the evaluation of benefit arising fromuse of off-site production within construction. It identifies thefactors that need to be considered for an evaluation, the datarequired to assess the effect of these factors, and where therequired data resides within the supply chain. Development ofthe implementation assessment instrument is discussed, whilstalso making reference to the role that clients can play in creatingthe process and procurement conditions that promote rather thanconstrain the adoption of off-site production.
Publisher UTS ePRESS
Date 2012-11-19
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Construction Economics and Building; Vol 5, No 1 (2005): AJCEB; 9-15
Language eng

Rights Copyright (c) 2005 Nick Blismas, Alistair Gibb, Christine Pasquire