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Impacts of Improved Water Access on Water Vendors and Resellers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tanzania Journal for Population studies and Development

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Title Impacts of Improved Water Access on Water Vendors and Resellers in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Creator Smiley, Sarah L.; University of Dar es Salaam
Description Increasing access to safe water remains a global priority even though the MillenniumDevelopment Goals more than halved the number of people lacking access to water.The Sustainable Development Goals, introduced in 2015, go further and seek universalaccess to a source of safe water located on premises. In Dar es Salaam, there is asignificant gap between the number of households using safe water—meaning waterfree from contamination—and the number of households with a source of safe wateron premises. Efforts to increase access on premises largely focus on expanding thecity’s piped water network. Households lacking a direct connection to this networkmust rely on informal suppliers such as vendors, household resellers, and kiosks.Informal suppliers, also called small water enterprises, are an important part ofincreasing water access in areas not currently served by the piped network. Yet, as Dares Salaam increases water access, these informal suppliers lose customers and income.This paper uses interviews with these suppliers to explain the impacts and causes ofincreased water access. It suggests ways that development policy can improve wateraccess without harming these informal suppliers.Keywords: water access, water vending, water reselling, small water enterprises, Dar esSalaam, Tanzania.  
Publisher Tanzania Journal for Population studies and Development
Date 2019-05-24
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Source Tanzania Journal for Population studies and Development; Vol 24, No 1&2 (2017): TJPSD
Language en
Rights Copyright (c) 2019 Tanzania Journal for Population studies and Development