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The Effect of Top Executive Gender on Accrual Earnings Management: Sample Analysis of Vietnam Listed Firms

VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business

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Title The Effect of Top Executive Gender on Accrual Earnings Management: Sample Analysis of Vietnam Listed Firms

Creator Khuong, Nguyen Vinh
Thu, Phung Anh
Thao, Dinh Thi Thu
Description The intent of this study is to investigate the top executive gender effect on earnings management of companies listed on the stock market. Based on data from 100 companies listed on the Vietnamese stock markets (HNX and HOSE) listed before 2009 in the period from 2011 to 2014, using quantitative research methods, we find a correlation between earnings management and top executive gender (GENDERCHAIR, GENDERCEO, GENDERCFO), the proxy of firm size and the tenure of the CEO. This paper extends prior research by addressing the potential effects of female executives on earnings management. The findings reported in this paper provide novel insights to the empirical financial accounting literature.
Executive, gender, CEO, CFO, earnings management
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Publisher Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Date 2017-06-26
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Format application/pdf
Source VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business; Vol 33 No 2
Chuyên san Kinh tế và Kinh doanh; Vol 33 No 2
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2017 VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business