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Evaluasi Program Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun Pada Sekolah Negeri dan Sekolah Swasta (Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah di Kota Yogyakarta)

Journal of Governance and Public Policy

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Title Evaluasi Program Wajib Belajar 9 Tahun Pada Sekolah Negeri dan Sekolah Swasta (Studi Kasus di Sekolah Dasar Negeri dan Sekolah Dasar Muhammadiyah di Kota Yogyakarta)
Creator Khoeriyah, Iyan Fathul; Mahasiswa Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakar ta
Nurmandi, Achmad; Dosen Magister Ilmu Pemerintahan Uni-versitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakar ta
dan Direktur Pascasarjana Universitas
Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Subject Evaluation of policy; education; compulsory education program
Description The research aimed to acknowledge the evaluated of  compulsory 9-year assurance in state elementary school (SDN)and private elementary school (Muhammadiyah) in the city of  Yogyakarta. Data Analysis Unit in this research is headeducation section in elementary school at the city of  Yogyakarta, head master, teacher, scholl committee and students,4 from state elementary school (SDN) and 4 from private elementary school (Muhammadiyah) in the city of  Yogyakar ta.This research used method with data collection from the data analysis process based on the result of in depthinterview and documents. This study used descriptive and qualitative data with grounded theory method. The re-search result is the number of  suitably qualified educational personnel do not achieve the target of only 40%. Thenthe number of  students who were subjected to compulsory quota admission of  new students in SDN and elementaryschools still have not meet the target. Facilities and infrastructure and Private Elementary School has not fully meet theprescribed standards, and sources of  funding / budget, State elementary school (SDN) funding sourced from Re-gional Government Budget (APBD)and State Budget (APBN). While private elementary school funding sourced fromRegional Government Budget (APBD)and State Budget (APBN) and from (donations parents, fees, dues Sacrifice,building development money, charity / special assistance). Elementary School does not collect tuition while still attract-ing private primary schools charge tuition  of  students for a nominal amount of  each school is different. The averagevalue of  private elementary school graduation is more higher than the state elementary school (SDN). Increase(CCDMA) in the city of  Yogyakarta is equal to 92% have been achieved target And (APTs) are on state elementaryschool (SDN) Patangpuluhan by 0,01% and the SD Muhammadiyah Purwodiningratan 1 by 0,01%.
Publisher Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Date 2016-10-30
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source Journal of Governance and Public Policy; Vol 1, No 1: February 2014
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2016 Journal of Government and Public Policy