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Improving the Development Policy of Vietnam’s Animal Feed Industry

VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business

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Title Improving the Development Policy of Vietnam’s Animal Feed Industry
Efficiency of Foreign Investment Capital for the Economic Background Research in Bac Ninh Province
Creator Hai, Nguyen Duc
Description As it is integrating more deeply in the international economy, Vietnam’s economic sectors and especially the animal feed field are having either opportunities and challenges. In such a context, Vietnam should improve the animal feed industry policies to facilitate the development and integration of the industry. This paper provides a description of the animal feed production industry policies and proposes some solutions to help improve the policies.
Animal feed industry, policy improvement
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Abstract: Although the economic context in the country and the world are more difficult but at the end of 2015, Bac Ninh province is still the biggest highlights of the country in attracting foreign investment (FDI) with total capital invested nearly $ 3.5 billion. Besides, the capital of the province plays a decisive role, foreign investment is one of the important sources of capital inwhich, FDI is considered appropriate funding for Bac Ninh. The role of FDI in recent years has been confirmed a positive contribution to growth and economic development of the province. Article, using descriptive statistical methods to assess the accomplishment highlights of FDI inflows and the positive contribution that FDI brings in Bac Ninh province. At the same time, proposed some important measures to attract FDI for development goals in the comming year.
Publisher Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Date 2017-03-15
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Format application/pdf
Source VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business; Vol 33 No 1
Chuyên san Kinh tế và Kinh doanh; Vol 33 No 1
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2017 VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business