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Celebrity Endorsement as the Drivers of an Advertising Strategy: The Case of Toc Tien Endorsing OPPO

VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business

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Title Celebrity Endorsement as the Drivers of an Advertising Strategy: The Case of Toc Tien Endorsing OPPO

Creator Nguyen Van, Phuong
Description This study focuses on consumer perceptions of celebrity endorsement in Vietnam using the case of Toc Tien endorsing OPPO brand. Specifically, the research examines the impact of celebrity endorsement on viewers’ preference for advertising and purchase intention by using the structural equation method with a sample size of 304 respondents. We found some interesting results: attractiveness, expertise, familiarity, performance, likeability, and celebrity/product fit have a statistically significant positive relationship with advertising. Moreover, there was no evidence to show any linkage between trustworthiness and advertising. Findings indicate that viewers’ preference for advertising has a positive impact on purchase intention. Implications for marketers as well as suggestions for future research are also discussed.
Celebrity endorsement, advertising, purchase intention, OPPO
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Publisher Vietnam National University, Hanoi
Date 2017-06-26
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business; Vol 33 No 2
Chuyên san Kinh tế và Kinh doanh; Vol 33 No 2
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2017 VNU Journal of Science: Economics and Business