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Analysis of Types and Models of Benchmarking

Public Policy and Administration

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Title Analysis of Types and Models of Benchmarking
Sugretinimo metodo tipų ir modelių analizė
Creator Kaziliûnas, Adolfas
Subject benchmarking method; types of benchmarking; implementation models of benchmarking

sugretinimo metodas; sugretinimo tipai; sugretinimo įgyvendinimo modeliai

Description Recent surveys have shown that benchmarking is one of the most commonly used management tools. Public sector organizations across the world have gradually been turning to benchmarking. Benchmarking is used to improve performance by understanding the methods and practices required to achieve world-class performance level. This article on benchmarking covers the evolution and spread of the technique, types and models of benchmarking. Organizations may choose the type and the model of benchmarking according their objectives and opportunities. The greatest attention in the article was made to the bench learning model. Bench learning is acknowledged as a key knowledge management tool. It can support many knowledge management building blocks and processes particularly knowledge sharing, evaluation and creation. It can also create the opportunities for innovation through combining previously unconnected pieces of knowledge.
Sugretinimo metodas vis plačiau taikomas viešojo sektoriaus organizacijose. Norint pasiekti gerų rezultatų taikant sugretinimo metodą, kiekvienas jo etapas turi būti įgyvendintas tinkamai ir deramomis priemonėmis, įvertinant organizacijos tikslus ir galimybes. Atsižvelgiant į organizacijos tikslus ir galimybes, tikslinga pasirinkti tinkamiausią sugretinimo tipą ir įgyvendinimo modelį. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami įvairūs sugretinimo tipai ir jų įgyvendinimo modeliai. Ypač daug dėmesio skiriama „Benchlearning“ modeliui, kurio taikymas leidžia organizacijoms pagerinti darbuotojų mokymąsi iš geriausios praktikos pavyzdžių, skatina motyvaciją ir naujas idėjas.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2014-07-16
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Public Policy and Administration; Vol 1, No 14 (2005): Public Policy and Administration; 32-39
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 1, No 14 (2005): Public Policy and Administration; 32-39
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Public Policy and Administration