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Aktivisme Mahasiswa Cina Era Reformasi dan Pasca Reformasi di Malaysia: Kajian Impak Politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 (Chinese Student Activism in the ‘Reformasi’ Era and Post-‘Reformasi’ in Malaysia: Political Study During the 12th General Election)


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Title Aktivisme Mahasiswa Cina Era Reformasi dan Pasca Reformasi di Malaysia: Kajian Impak Politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12 (Chinese Student Activism in the ‘Reformasi’ Era and Post-‘Reformasi’ in Malaysia: Political Study During the 12th General Election)
Creator Pong (Universiti Malaya,, Thock Ker
Description Student activism often gains much attention from political parties, especially the ruling regime of a state as student activism may directly influence the political fate of a state. In Malaysia student activism has had the experience of developing into a movement capable of posing solid challenges to the state resulting in the promulgation of the University and University Colleges Act in 1971 which led to its ultimate dwindling. However, the reformasi movement which erupted in 1998 had reinvigorated student activism in Malaysia. This article examines the activism of Malaysian Chinese students during the era of reformasi and post-reformasi as well as its impact on the 12th general election. Research results revealed that the activism of the Chinese students was profoundly influenced by the reformasi movement. Their heightened activism which focused on justice and initiating changes in society had brought them into serious troubles with the university authorities but which only served to drive them closer to the opposition parties which they joined after graduating from varsity. Some of them readily participated in NGOs’ activism. Among those involved in party politics, some had emerged as state assemblymen or members of parliament. The emergence of this group of young political leaders would go a long way in strengthening the cause of multi-ethnic politics espoused by the Pakatan Rakyat.Keywords: Reformasi, Chinese student activism, Chinese student activists, DEMAABSTRAKAktivisme mahasiswa sering mendapat perhatian pelbagai pihak, terutamanya pihak pemerintah sesebuah negara, lantaran kegiatan-kegiatan mahasiswa mampu memberi kesan kepada perkembangan politik di negara tersebut. Di Malaysia, aktivisme mahasiswa pernah muncul dalam bentuk gerakan yang berjaya menggugat kestabilan sesebuah kerajaan. Ekoran daripada itu, Akta Universiti dan Kolej Universiti diperkenal oleh kerajaan pada tahun 1971 dan tindakan itu telah menyebabkan kelesuan dalam gerakan mahasiswa. Namun gerakan reformasi yang tercetus dalam tahun 1998 membawa nafas baru kepada aktivisme mahasiswa di Malaysia. Makalah ini cuba meneliti aktivisme mahasiswa Cina era reformasi dan pasca reformasi serta impak politiknya dalam pilihan raya umum ke-12. Hasil penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa aktivisme pelajar Cina banyak dipengaruhi oleh seruan gerakan reformasi. Peningkatan aktivisme mereka yang berfokus kepada keadilan dan membawa perubahan dalam masyarakat telah menghadapi tekanan daripada pihak pengurusan universiti. Tindakan ini menyebabkan para aktivis pelajar Cina ini menyebelahi dan menyertai parti-parti pembangkang setelah keluar dari universiti. Bekas aktivis-aktivis mahasiswa ini juga cenderung melibatkan diri dalam NGO, sementara sebahagian mereka pula berjaya menjadi calon dalam PRU ke-12 dan muncul sebagai ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri atau ahli Parlimen. Kemunculan mereka sebagai pemimpin politik muda bakal memperkasakan politik multi-etnik yang diperjuangkan oleh Pakatan Rakyat.Kata kunci: Reformasi, aktivisme mahasiswa Cina, aktivis pelajar Cina, DEMA
Date 2013-08-06
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Akademika; Vol 82, No 1 (2012): AKADEMIKA 82
Language eng