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Constrained Edge-Splitting Problems

BRICS Report Series

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Title Constrained Edge-Splitting Problems
Creator Jordán, Tibor
Description Splitting off two edges su, sv in a graph G means deleting su, sv andadding a new edge uv. Let G = (V +s,E) be k-edge-connected in V(k >= 2) and let d(s) be even. Lov´asz proved that the edges incident to scan be split off in pairs in such a way that the resulting graph on vertexset V is k-edge-connected. In this paper we investigate the existence ofsuch complete splitting sequences when the set of split edges has to meetadditional requirements. We prove structural properties of the set of thosepairs u, v of neighbours of s for which splitting off su, sv destroys k-edge-connectivity. This leads to a new method for solving problems of this type.By applying this method we obtain a short proof for a recent result ofNagamochi and Eades on planarity-preserving complete splitting sequences and prove the following new results: let G and H be two graphs on the same set V + s of vertices and suppose that their sets of edges incident to s coincide. Let G (H) be k-edge-connected (l-edge-connected, respectively) in V and let d(s) be even. Then there exists a pair su, sv which can be split off in both graphs preserving k-edge-connectivity (l-edge-connectivity, resp.) in V , provided d(s) >= 6. If k and l are both even then such a pair always exists. Using these edge-splitting results and the polymatroid intersection theorem we give a polynomial algorithm for the problem of simultaneously augmenting the edge-connectivity of two graphs by adding a (common) set of new edges of (almost) minimum size.
Publisher Aarhus University
Date 1999-12-07
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source BRICS Report Series; No 37 (1999): RS-37 Constrained Edge-Splitting Problems
BRICS Report Series; No 37 (1999): RS-37 Constrained Edge-Splitting Problems
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2015 BRICS Report Series