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‘Patient Zero’

Social Work and Social Sciences Review

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Title ‘Patient Zero’
Creator Macdonald, Stephen J.
Taylor-Gooby, David
Subject models of patient involvement;healthcare policy;Patient & Public Involvement (PPI);NHS volunteers; service users & practitioners motivations
Description Over the last three years, there has been a major shift in healthcare policy within England. This has radically altered the relationship between General Practitioners (GPs) and patients. This article examines the role of patient and public involvement within the National Health Service (NHS) from the perspective of volunteers and health practitioners. The aim of the study is to explore how different models of patient and public involvement (PPI) are characterised through ideological perspectives which construct the goals and motivations of service users and health practitioners. This article draws on data from a small qualitative study of 16 participants analysing different narratives and experiences of patient and public involvement within the North East of England. The study analyses data from health professionals, including General Practitioners and health managers, and patient volunteers who make up part of a range of different health advisory groups in the NHS. Whilst all respondents agree about the importance of public involvement to assist localised NHS healthcare, it should be noted that what is meant by patient and public involvement in this study is somewhat unclear for people involved in the process. The research concludes by illustrating how practitioners’ and volunteers’ interpretations of patient and public involvement diverge in terms of their expressed motivations, aims, goals and expectations.
Publisher Whiting & Birch Ltd
Date 2013-12-31
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source Social Work and Social Sciences Review; Vol 17, No 1: Number 1 / 2014; 5-21
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2015 Social Work and Social Sciences Review