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Promise and Challenges Facing Public Administration

Asian Review of Public Administration

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Title Promise and Challenges Facing Public Administration
Creator Posner, Paul L.; George Mason University
Subject public administration, governance
public management, public administration, government roles, Obama administration, globalization
Description Many nations are on the brink of facing extraordinary and unprecedented challenges in public management. A more competitive global economy is creating more fiscal and economic pressures on government budgets at the same time that expectations have risen for effective government interventions in an ever wider range of problems, including saving markets from themselves. Public administrators face daunting challenges in dealing with ever more complex problems with limits on staff and authority stemming from a declining trust in government among the public. Promoting successful government roles in an era of widespread public ambivalence about government is the central challenge faced by the Obama Administration in the United States, an administration committed to expanding the role of government in dealing with major problems such as health care and financial market regulation. Governments throughout the world can learn some lessons from the successes and failures experienced in the United States as they come to grips with the often conflicting pressures stemming from global markets and domestic political forces.
Publisher Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA)
Date 2015-07-28
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

literature review, qualitative analysis
Format application/pdf
Source Asian Review of Public Administration; Vol 21, No 1-2 (2009): A "New Look" ARPA; 7-16
Language eng
Coverage Global
21st century
state government
Rights Copyright (c) 2015 Paul L. Posner