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Reconsidering “Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)” as Major Agents in Government Service Delivery Programs

Asian Review of Public Administration

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Title Reconsidering “Arm’s Length Bodies (ALBs)” as Major Agents in Government Service Delivery Programs
Creator Wettenhall, Roger; ANZSOG Institute of Governance, University of Canberra
Subject public administration, governance
arm's length bodies, service delivery, non-departmental public bodies, governance
Description “Arm’s length body” (or “ALB”) is a new class-name for a large group of non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) that has been engaged in delivering service delivery programs for governments virtually since the beginnings of modern governance. This paper will begin by noting the rising interest in service delivery as a major issue in public administration and public management. It will then review the field of non-departmental bodies as it stands after the first decade of the 21st century, noting the introduction of the new class-name and explaining how this has come about. To some degree at least, these bodies stand outside the central apparatus of government and are granted autonomy from the normal processes of government. Finding a balance between the need to preserve that autonomy and the need for some central monitoring and steering is vital in securing their successful operation. This is a major challenge being faced by many governments today. The paper concludes by noting and commenting on some recent inquiries of a policy nature in big and small jurisdictions that have sought to provide better order in this important area of governance with emphasis on service delivery.
Publisher Eastern Regional Organization for Public Administration (EROPA)
Date 2015-10-06
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

literature review, qualitative analysis
Format application/pdf
Source Asian Review of Public Administration; Vol 23, No 1-2 (2012): Public Administration in the Next Decade; 38-52
Language eng
Coverage Asia Pacific region
21st century
non-departmental public bodies, public service delivery agencies
Rights Copyright (c) 2015 Roger Wettenhall