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Leadership and Strategic Management

GSTF Journal on Business Review

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Title Leadership and Strategic Management
Creator ., James Atta-Panin
Description This paper looks at the role of the Senior LeadershipTeam (SLT) in strategy implementation and argues thatdeveloping a successful business strategy for an organisationinvolves the formulation and implementation of a sustainablecompetitive approach as an integral component of its strategicplanning process. Starting with a concise analysis of whatconstitutes strategic plan, the paper develops an argumentoutlining the rationale behind the process and the need forinvesting senior leadership time in producing and implementinga viable strategic plan aimed at differentiating its products andservices from those of its competitors with a view to gainingmarket advantage. The author uses established theoreticalmodels to explain the process of strategy formulation, evaluatingthe pros and cons of each module. The originality of the paper’scontents stems from the use of contemporary examples of goodpractice to illuminate how the differing leadership styles may beused to facilitate the implementation process and to gain staffbuy-in. It concludes that the ability of senior managers toformulate and successfully implement viable strategic plans iscritical to their own professional success and that of the entireorganisation.
Publisher GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR)
Date 2014-09-01
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR); Vol 3, No 1 (2013): Journal on Business Review (GBR)
ISSN: 2251-2888
Language eng
Rights Copyright (c) 2017 GSTF Journal on Business Review (GBR)