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Development of Local Self-Government in Lithuania from 1990 to date (second part)

Public Policy and Administration

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Title Development of Local Self-Government in Lithuania from 1990 to date (second part)
Vietos savivaldos raida Lietuvoje nuo 1990 metų iki dabar (Antroji dalis)
Creator Astrauskas, Algirdas
Subject municipality; local authority; local government; organizational structure of municipality; election of municipal council
vietos savivaldybė; vietos valdžia; vietos savivalda; savivaldybės organizacinė struktūra; savivaldybių tarybų rinkimai
Description This text constitutes the second part of the research article [5]. On the basis of the author’s knowledge and comparative, historical and systemic research methods, it describes the remaining two components of Lithuania’s local self-government system and their development: (1) Principal models of organisational structure of municipalities and their development during the period under consideration; and (2) Municipal election systems applied within the period under consideration. The current research article (part 2) points out that: (1) Three out of seven principal models of organisational structure of municipalities known in theory and applied in foreign countries have been practically tested in Lithuania. Currently, the dualistic model incorporating a municipal council and a single-person executive body (administrative director) appointed from outside a municipal council is in place. The model was introduced in 2003 as it was in line with the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania. Since 1998, however, a discussion has been going on the legal establishment of a principal model providing for a directly-elected mayor. As yet, no consensus has been reached. (2) Since 1990 there has been a consistent search for an optimal municipal election system (corresponding to the electorate’s needs and expectations) that would (a) encourage active and committed participation of municipal communities in local elections and, after elections, to effectively influence local decision-making in different ways allowed in participatory democracy, and (b) bind local politicians to properly discharge their duties to voters.
Šiame straipsnyje, kurį sudaro kelios dalys, apibūdinama svarbiausių Lietuvos vietos savivaldos sistemos elementų raida per laikotarpį nuo 1990 metų iki dabar. Pirmoje straipsnio dalyje [5] buvo rašyta apie vietos savivaldos teritorinį organizavimo pagrindą – valstybės teritorijos administracinių vienetų sistemą bei jos pertvarką, apibūdinta vietos savivaldos teisinė aplinka, jos formavimas(is) ir reikšmė, kuriant demokratinę savivaldą Lietuvoje, parodyta vietos savivaldybės ir vietos savivaldos sąvokų apibrėžčių kaita. Šioje, antroje, straipsnio dalyje rašoma apie vietos savivaldybių organizacinės struktūros principinių modelių kaitą ir taikytas Lietuvoje savivaldybių tarybų rinkimų sistemas.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2013-07-10
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Public Policy and Administration; Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Public Policy and Administration; 260–271
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 12, No 2 (2013): Public Policy and Administration; 260–271
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Public Policy and Administration