Pelaburan Langsung Asing di Kedah dan Daya Tarikan Taman (Foreign Direct Investment and the Attractiveness of Kulim High Technology Park in Kedah)
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Pelaburan Langsung Asing di Kedah dan Daya Tarikan Taman (Foreign Direct Investment and the Attractiveness of Kulim High Technology Park in Kedah)
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Mat Lazim (Universiti Sains Malaysia,, Norain
Yusof (Universiti Sains Malaysia,, Nooriah |
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The emergence of the modern industrial sector in Malaysia is closely linked with the entry of foreign direct investment (FDI). After 1968, the Investment Promotion Act was introduced with a focus on the development of export-oriented industries, the Free Trade Zone (Free Industrial Zone) has been constructed at several locations in this country to attract foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment has played an important role for more than three decades in the process of industrialization in this country. However, industrial growth was found to exhibit a pattern that is not evenly distributed over space. There was a highly developed state while there is a far behind in terms of inflows of foreign investment and the level of industrial development. Although previously considered state of Kedah edge of the area known as the ‘National Rice Bowl’ because of the lack of industrial development in this state, but after the 1990s, this states began to show the transition from the region that received less investment to receive higher inflows of investment in manufacturing industrial sector. These views are closely linked with the strategies of high technology park in Kulim as a crucial mechanism to attract foreign investment in high value activities in this state. This article traces the pattern and trend of foreign direct investment in the industrial sector generally in Kedah and particularly in Kulim High Technology to assess the extent of strategic high technology park and attraction of high technology park location has played an important role in the development of industry in this state and also assess the challenges ahead.Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment, Manufacturing, Kulim High Technology Park, KedahABSTRAKKemunculan sektor industri moden di Malaysia berkait rapat dengan kemasukan Pelaburan Langsung Asing (PLA). Selepas tahun 1968, apabila Akta Galakan Pelaburan diperkenalkan dengan tumpuan kepada pembangunan industry berorientasikan eksport, Zon Perdagangan Bebas (Zon Perindustrian Bebas) telah dibina di beberapa lokasi di Negara ini untuk menarik pelaburan langsung asing. Pelaburan langsung asing telah memainkan peranan penting sejak lebih tiga dekad lalu dalam proses industrialisasi di negara ini. Namun, perkembangan industri ternyata mempamerkan pola yang tidak sama rata di atas ruang. Terdapat negeri yang sangat maju sementara ada negeri yang jauh ketinggalan dari segi aliran masuk pelaburan asing dan tahap perkembangan industri. Walaupun sebelum ini negeri Kedah dianggap sebagai wilayah pinggir yang dikenali sebagai ‘Jelapang Padi Negara’ kerana kurangnya pembangunan industri di negeri ini, namun selepas tahun 1990-an negeri ini mula memperlihatkan transisi yang memberangsangkan daripada wilayah yang kurang menerima pelaburan kepada negeri yang mula menerima aliran masuk pelaburan yang tinggi dalam sektor perindustrian pembuatan. Ini dilihat mempunyai kaitan yang rapat dengan strategi pembinaan taman teknologi tinggi Kulim sebagai satu mekanisme penting dalam usaha menarik pelaburan asing dalam aktiviti bernilai tinggi di negeri ini. Artikel ini menyusur galur pola dan trend pelaburan langsung asing dalam sektor perindustrian pembuatan di Kedah amnya dan Taman Teknologi Tinggi Kulim khususnya untuk menilai sejauh mana strategi pembinaan taman teknologi tinggi dan daya tarikan lokasi taman teknologi tinggi ini telah memainkan peranan penting dalam pembangunan industri di negeri ini dan juga menilai cabaran pada masa hadapan.Kata kunci: Pelaburan Langsung Asing, Industri Pembuatan, Taman Teknologi Tinggi Kulim, Kedah
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Akademika; Vol 82, No 1 (2012): AKADEMIKA 82
0126-8694 0126-5008 |
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