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The Effects of Appointment Delay and Reminders on Appointment-Keeping Behavior

Sri Lanka Journal of Real Estate

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Title The Effects of Appointment Delay and Reminders on Appointment-Keeping Behavior
Creator Watanabe-Rose, Mari
Sturmey, Peter
Subject Behavior Analysis in the Community
aappointments, appointment delay, telephone reminders
Description Two experiments investigated the effects of appointment delay and phone reminders on college students’ appointment-keeping behavior. A significantly higher percentage of students kept their appointments in the 1-day appointment delay condition than in the 15-day delay condition with no reminders in both experiments. Phone reminders provided 1 day prior to the appointment dates increased the percentage of appointments kept in the 15-day delay condition in Experiment 2. In order to assess the shape of the effect of appointment delay, future research should increase the number of values in appointment delay.
Publisher University of Illinois at Chicago Library
Date 2009-01-06
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source Behavior and Social Issues; Volume 17, Number 2 (Fall/Winter, 2008); 161-168
Language eng