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Quantitative and Qualitative aspects of Human Resources in Nepal: An Overview

Administration and Management Review

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Title Quantitative and Qualitative aspects of Human Resources in Nepal: An Overview
Creator Bista, Binod Kumar; Nepal Administrative Staff College
Subject Development Administration
Human resources; Quantitave and qualitative aspects;
Description Productive output can be achieved by doing things at the right place, in the right time through the right number of those kind of people who are economically most active. It is necessary to anticipate future HR and then develop and implement manpower action plans and programs for being responsive to specific requirements. That is to say, we have to be finally reconciled when the foreseen demands and supply process of manpower is developed with proper planning, great care and attention to meet development and other needs.

Administration and Management Review Vol. 20, No. 1, January, 2008, Page 45-51
Publisher Nepal Administrative Staff College
Date 2009-03-16
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Source Administration and Management Review; Vol 20, No 1 (2008); 45-51
Language en
Coverage Nepal
21st Century
Human resources