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My view of the Nepal Administrative Staff College

Administration and Management Review

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Title My view of the Nepal Administrative Staff College
Creator Tuladhar, Subarna Man; NASC
Subject Management
Evaluation; Product
Description The best way to improve the performance of an organisation is to train its people. Major countries and many smaller ones throughout the world have equipped themselves with Administrative Staff College to train public servants. This paper introduces the Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC), outlines the historical background to its establishment, features information about its past twenty-five years, describes its current activities, and hopes for its future development. Dear readers will find it not only useful but helfpful in figuring out what NASC is all about.

Administration and Management Review Vol.19, No. 2, Special Issue(2007) pp. 17-46
Publisher Nepal Administrative Staff College
Date 2008-02-25
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Administration and Management Review; Vol 19, No 2 (2007); 17-46
Language eng
Coverage Nepal