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Style Analysis: Asset Allocation & Performance Evaluation of Indonesian Equity Funds, April 2004 – March 2009

Indonesian Capital Market Review

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Title Style Analysis: Asset Allocation & Performance Evaluation of Indonesian Equity Funds, April 2004 – March 2009
Creator Boniarga Mangiring; Investment Banking Analyst, Mandiri Sekuritas,
Zaafri Ananto Husodo; Graduate School of Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia
Subject Capital Market
Description This paper explores investment styles and risk exposures of mutual funds in Indonesia using Sharpe's return-based style analysis, a quadratic optimization of an asset class factor model,  proposed  by  William  F.  Sharpe  in  1992.  The  research  observes  nine  sectoral  asset class indexes and ifteen survivor Indonesian equity funds within April 2004 - March 2009. The  results  suggest  that  the  infrastructure  sector  has  the  biggest  exposure  on  average. This  study  also  measures  the  relative  performance  of  the  funds  with  respect  to  their  style benchmarks.  The  results  indicate  that  the  nine  funds  have  been  able  to  beat  their  style benchmarks on average. From all funds, Fortis Ekuitas is the best fund based on its average monthly selection return. activate javascript
Publisher Management Research Center, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, U
Date 2014-08-26
Type Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/mbox
Source Indonesian Capital Market Review; Vol 2, No 2 (2010): July 2010
Language en