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Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship

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Creator Glendoh, Sentot Harman; Faculty of Economics, Petra Christian University
Subject guidance, development, small business.
Description Small business as an economic activity of society on a small scale, has a central role in the economy of Indonesia. Although the economic crisis has created a great disturbance in the live of large and middle-size business, apparently small business continues to function well in the lower levels of the economy.
The main role of small business is: 1) use excess labor; 2) as a producer of goods and services at reachable prices for the lower economic levels of society; 3) as a potential producer of foreign exchange because of the success of this type of industry in producing non-oil commodities for export.
Remembering that the role of small business is large and has great influence on the lower economic levels of society, it is quite necessary to pay attention to the development of this sector.

Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia :

Usaha kecil sebagai kegiatan ekonomi rakyat berskala kecil memiliki peran sentral dalam perekonomian Indonesia. Walaupun krisis ekonomi telah memporakporandakan kehidupan bidang usaha besar dan menengah, ternyata usaha kecil tetap tegar dan berjalan marak dikawasan kehidupan ekonomi tingkat bawah.
Peran pokok usaha kecil ini adalah: (1) sebagai penyerap tenaga kerja, (2) sebagai penghasil barang dan jasa pada tingkat harga yang terjangkau bagi kebutuhan rakyat banyak yang berpenghasilan rendah, (3) sebagai penghasil devisa negara yang potensial kerena keberhasilannya dalam meproduksi komoditi ekspor non migas.
Mengingat peran usaha kecil tersebut sangat besar andilnya bagi negara dan masyarakat kecil dilapisan bawah, maka pembinaan dan pengembangannya sangat perlu diperhatikan.

Kata kunci: pembinaan, pengembangan, usaha kecil.
Publisher Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University
Date 2004-06-04
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Format application/pdf
10.9744/jmk.3.1.pp. 1-13
Source Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan; Vol 3, No 1 (2001): MARCH 2001; pp. 1-13
Language eng
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