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Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship

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Creator Glendoh, Sentot Harman
Subject organizational culture, labor demonstrations
Description Labor demonstrations have occurred at various companies, at various places throughout the Republic of Indonesia, the news of which can be read in the print media, as well as seen and heard via electronic media such as television and radio. Cases of labor demonstrations at companies are closely related to the organizational culture which views people as a resource and company asset in achieving goals and obtaining benefits for the welfare of all, including the owner and all the workers, hopefully with the end result of increased welfare of society at large across the country of Indonesia.
Owners and workers in a company need to be aware that labor demonstrations, though not forbidden, can influence operations and even cause loss to the business. Owners and workers should seek to avoid confrontational and destructive behavior, because they are partners who should always work together closely in seeing that the duties in the company go smoothly and in the right direction, and that the weight each must carry is equal. If owners and workers of a company can be harmonious in their work and share profits according to the ability of the company so that there is not a greater gap between them, then actually, labor demonstrations need not occur.

Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia :

Unjuk rasa karyawan telah terjadi di berbagai perusahaan, di berbagai tempat di wilayah Republik Indonesia, yang beritanya dapat dibaca di berbagai media cetak serta yang dapat dilihat dan didengar melalui media elektronik televisi dan radio. Kasus-kasus unjuk rasa karyawan perusahaan terkait erat dengan budaya organisasi yang memperhatikan manusia sebagai sumber daya dan aset perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan dan mencari untung untuk kesejahteraan bersama yaitu pengusaha dan seluruh karyawan yang sekaligus dapat diharapkan untuk kemakmuran masyarakat disekitarnya dan seluruh bangsa Indonesia.
Para pengusaha dan karyawan perusahaan perlu menyadari bahwa unjuk rasa walaupun tidak dilarang, namun berpengaruh bagi kelancaran operasional bahkan merugikan usahanya. Para pengusaha dan karyawan seyogyanya menghindari perilaku konfrontatif dan destruktif, karena pengusaha dan karyawan merupakan mitra kerja yang seharusnya selalu menggalang kerja sama yang erat dalam mengemban tugas perusahaan berjalan seiring dan sejalan, berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing. Kalau pengusaha dan karyawan perusahaan dapat rukun dalam bekerja dan dapat membagi keuntungan yang tidak menimbulkan kesenjangan menurut kemampuan perusahaan, maka sebenarnya unjuk rasa tidak perlu terjadi.

Kata kunci: budaya organisasi, unjuk rasa karyawan
Publisher Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University
Date 2004-06-04
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
10.9744/jmk.2.2.pp. 44-58
Source Jurnal Manajemen dan Kewirausahaan; Vol 2, No 2 (2000): SEPTEMBER 2000; pp. 44-58
Language eng