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Data security management applying trust policies for small organizations, ad hoc organizations and virtual organizations

The Journal of Accounting and Management

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Title Data security management applying trust policies for small organizations, ad hoc organizations and virtual organizations
Creator DANILESCU, Marcel; Universitatea Tehnica a Moldovei - Facultatea de Calculatoare, Informatica si Microelectronica
Description Privacy and data security is one of the current requirements in organizations. In this paper, wepresent an implementation and management method, using trust policies based on the relative knowledgeof the users, in organizations with a high dynamism. Basically, security policies are based on severalmodels which are presented in the following. This paper starts from the need to solve problems ofinformation flow and access control to data in an organization, while the structure the organization is notdefined and the actual capabilities of its members are not known. Solution to create members' access toorganization's documents, data and information is based on trust. This article complements previousstudies concerning the possibility of document security implementation, controlling the information accessrights in virtual environments based on Web technologies.
Publisher The Journal of Accounting and Management
Date 2013-01-20
Type Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source The Journal of Accounting and Management; Vol 2, No 3 (2012): JAM
Language en
Rights The author fully assumes the content originality and the holograph signature makes him responsible in case of trial.