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Clinical Relevance of the Serum Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26) Activity in Adult Patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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Title Clinical Relevance of the Serum Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26) Activity in Adult Patients with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
Klinički značaj serumske aktivnosti dipeptidil peptidaze IV (DPP IV/CD26) u odraslih bolesnika s Crohnovom bolešću i ulceroznim kolitisom
Creator Varljen, Jadranka
Mijandrušić Sinčić, Brankica
Batičić, Lara
Varljen, Neven
Detel, Dijana
Lekić, Andrica
Subject dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26); inflammatory bowel disease; Crohn’s disease; ulcerative colitis
Description Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP IV/CD26), a serine-type protease, is a membrane-anchored enzyme widely expressed in many cell types. DPP IV is also present in a soluble form in the serum. The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical relevance of the changes in serum DPP IV activity in adult patients with inflammatory bowel diseases – IBD (Crohn’s disease – CD and Ulcerative colitis – UC). Both serum DPP IV activities in patients with CD (36.8±1.5 μmol min–1 dm–3) and UC (33.9±2.1 μmol min–1 dm–3) were statistically significantly decreased compared to healthy controls (48.4±1.1 μmol min–1 dm 3), (P<0.001). The values correlated inversely with the disease severity for both diseases. No statistically significant difference in the serum DPP IV activity in patients with CD and UC was found and therefore it cannot be a good marker for a differential diagnosis. However, it appears to be useful as an available non-invasive marker in the diagnosis of disease activity.
Serinska proteaza dipeptidil peptidaza IV (DPP IV/CD26) membranski je vezan enzim, izražen u brojnim vrstama stanica. Također je prisutna u topivome obliku u serumu. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati klinički značaj promjena serumske aktivnosti DPP IV u odraslih pacijenata s upalnim bolestima crijeva – IBD (Chronova bolest – CD i ulcerozni kolitis – UC). Obje vrijednosti serumske DPP IV aktivnosti u pacijenata s CD (36.8±1.5 μmol min–1 dm–3) i UC (33.9±2.1 μmol min–1 dm–3) bile su statistički značajno snižene u usporedbi s kontrolnom skupinom (48.4±1.1 μmol min–1 dm–3), (P<0.001). Vrijednosti su bile obrnuto proporcionalne s aktivnošću obiju bolesti. Nije utvrđena statistički značajna razlika u serumskoj DPP IV aktivnosti između bolesnika s CD i UC, što upućuje na zaključak da DPP IV nije dobar marker za dijagnostičko razlikovanje tih dviju bolesti. Međutim, mogao bi poslužiti kao neinvazivan marker u dijagnostici aktivnosti bolesti.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005-09-15
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta; Vol.78 No.3; ISSN 0011-1643 (Print); ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Language en
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