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Human Chromosome 1 in Mouse Immortal Cell Background

Croatian International Relations Review

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Title Human Chromosome 1 in Mouse Immortal Cell Background
Humani kromosom 1 u mišjim imortalnim stanicama
Creator Matulić, Maja
Jevtov, Irena
Ferenac, Marina
Škrobot, Nikolina
Tominaga, Kaoru
Rubelj, Ivica
Subject human chromosome 1; A9; A9+1; telomere; senescence; PNA-FISH
Description Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of linear chromosomes and are essential for normal cellular function. Telomeres prevent degradation and aberrant recombination of chromosome termini and facilitate appropriate replication of chromosome ends. In this work, the telomere dynamics was followed in the immortal mouse cell strain A9 in comparison with A9+1. The latter is derived from A9 cells by introduction of human chromosome 1. In spite of the telomerase presence, a great decrease in telomere lengths was noticed in A9+1 compared to A9 cells. Behavior of individual human and mouse telomeres was also followed under the conditions of the observed gross telomere shortening. Human chromosome 1 followed the overall telomere length in hybrid cells. It is suggested that telomere lengths are primarily determined by the cell protein background.
Telomere su specijalizirane strukture na krajevima linearnih kromosoma i esencijalne su za normalnu staničnu funkciju. One sprečavaju degradaciju i pogrešnu rekombinaciju krajeva kromosoma i olakšavaju replikaciju kromosomskih krajeva. U ovom radu praćena je dinamika telomera u imortalnim mišjim staničnim linijama A9 i A9+1. A9+1 stanična linija dobivena je unošenjem ljudskoga kromosoma 1 u A9 stanice. Usprkos prisustvu telomeraze primijećeno je veliko skraćenje telomera kod A9+1 u usporedbi s A9 stanicama. Praćeno je i ponašanje ljudskoga kromosoma 1 u mišjim stanicama u uvjetima pod kojima je došlo do skraćivanja telomera. Raspon duljina telomera ljudskoga kromosoma 1 odgovarao je rasponu mišjih telomera stanica doma- ćina. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da na raspon duljina telomera najveći utjecaj ima ukupan sastav telomernih proteina stanice.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005-09-15
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta; Vol.78 No.3; ISSN 0011-1643 (Print); ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Language en
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