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From Trees (Dendrograms and Consensus Trees) to Topology

Croatian International Relations Review

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Title From Trees (Dendrograms and Consensus Trees) to Topology
Od stabala (dendograma i stabala usaglašavanja) do topologije
Creator Restrepo, Guillermo
Villaveces, José L.
Subject chemotopology; mathematical chemistry; topology; cluster analysis; dendrograms; consensus trees
Description We describe a methodology to endow a set of chemical interest with a topology. This procedure starts with the definition of the chemical set as a group of elements plus their neighborhood relationships. A graphical representation of these two conditions is a dendrogram (tree). Next, we show a mathematical procedure to build up a basis for a topology with which we can calculate several topological properties, such as: closures and boundaries of sets of chemical interest. We show four practical examples of this methodology: 72 chemical elements, 31 steroids, 250 benzimidazoles and 20 amino acids.
Opisana je metodologija koja topologiju pridružuje kemijski zanimljivim skupovima, i to tako da se definiciji takvih skupova kao grupe elemenata doda još relacija susjedstva, što se grafički opisuje dendogramom (stablom). Dalje je prikazan topološki postupak koji omogućava računanje niza topoloških svojstava, uključivo zatvorenost i granice kemijskih skupova, a koji postupak je onda primjenjen na 72 kemijska elementa, 31 steroida, 250
benzimidazola i 20 amino kiselina.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta
ISSN 0011-1643 (Print)
ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Volume 78
Issue 2
Language eng
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