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Topological Description and Construction of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Junctions

Croatian International Relations Review

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Title Topological Description and Construction of Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Junctions
Topologijski opis i konstrukcija spajanja ugljikovih nanocijevi s jednom stjenkom
Creator László, István
Subject nanotubes; junctions; Schlegel diagrams; topology
Description Based on Euler´s theorem a topological description will be given for the junctions of carbon nanotubes. Then using the intersection of cylinders an algorithm will be presented for constructing junctions between single wall nanotubes of any chirality and diameter.
Dan je topologijski opis, temeljen na Eurelovu teoremu, spojišta ugljikovih nanocijevi. Zatim je prikazan, uporabom sjecišta cilindara, algoritam za konstrukciju spoji{ta izme|u ugljikovih nanocijevi s jednom stjenkom i bilo kojom kiralnošću i bilo kakvim dijametrom.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta
ISSN 0011-1643 (Print)
ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Volume 78
Issue 2
Language eng
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