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Fast Parallel Molecular Simulations

Croatian International Relations Review

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Title Fast Parallel Molecular Simulations
Brze paralelne molekularne simulacije
Creator Borštnik, Urban
Hodošček, Milan
Janežič, Dušanka
Subject parallel computing; molecular simulations; molecular dynamics
Description We have developed and built several clusters of Personal Computers (PCs) that we use to perform parallel molecular simulations of chemically, physically, and biologically relevant systems. We describe the distinguishing networking topology of our clusters that enable them to perform classical and quantum mechanical computer simulations faster than standard PC clusters. Several techniques that we have used in parallelizing simulation programs are described. We employed these clusters for simulations of several different molecular systems. Also the computational performance of these simulations on our PC clusters is presented.
Razvijeno je i izgrađeno par grozdova osobnih računala (PC) za izvođenje paralelnih molekularnih simulacija raznih kemijskih, fizikalnih i biološki relevantnih sustava. Osebujna topologija umrežavanja ovih grozdova je, u odnosu na standardne PC grozdove, u stanju brže izvoditi klasične i kvantnomehaničke simulacije. Opisano je više tehnika za paraleliziranje simulacijskih programa koji su zatim primjenjeni na niz molekularnih sustava. Diskutirana je tako|er računalna učinkovitost simulacija na predlo`enim PC grozdovima.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta
ISSN 0011-1643 (Print)
ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Volume 78
Issue 2
Language eng
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