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On Maximum Matchings and Eigenvalues of Benzenoid Graphs

Croatian International Relations Review

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Title On Maximum Matchings and Eigenvalues of Benzenoid Graphs
O maksimalnom sparivanju i svojstvenim vrijednostima benzenoidnih grafova
Creator Fajtlowicz, Siemion
John, Peter E.
Sachs, Horst
Subject benzenoid graph; characteristic polynomial and spectrum of graphs; hexagonal systems; Hückel-MO-Theory; resonance theory
Description In August 2003 the computer program GRAFFITI made conjecture 1001 stating that for any benzenoid graph, the size of a maximum matching equals the number of positive eigenvalues. Later, the authors learned that this conjecture was already known in 1982 to I. Gutman (Kragujevac). Here we present a proof of this conjecture and of a related theorem. The results are of some relevance in the theory of (unsaturated) polycyclic hydrocarbons.
U kolovozu 2003. uporabom kompjutorskoga programa GRAFFITI naslućeno je da je za bilo koji benzenoidni graf maksimalno sparivanje jednako broju pozitivnih svojstvenih vrijednosti. Kasnije su autori saznali da je taj rezultat bio poznat već 1982. Ivanu Gutmanu (Kragujevac). U članku je dan rigorozan dokaz toga
rezultata i odgovarajući teorem. Taj je rezultat od određene važnosti u teoriji policikličkih ugljikovodika.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta
ISSN 0011-1643 (Print)
ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Volume 78
Issue 2
Language eng
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