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Is the Stationary Current Distribution in a Linear Planar Electric Network Determined by the Principle of Maximum Entropy Production?

Croatian International Relations Review

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Title Is the Stationary Current Distribution in a Linear Planar Electric Network Determined by the Principle of Maximum Entropy Production?
Je li razdioba stacionarnih struja u linearnim planarnim električnim mrežama određena principom maksimalne proizvodnje entropije?
Creator Botrić, Srećko
Županović, Paško
Juretić, Davor
Subject maximum entropy production; Kirchhoff’s voltage law
Description The standard derivation of Kirchhoff’s voltage law is based on the assumption that the first law of thermodynamics (sum of products of applied EMF’s and corresponding currents = heat dissipation) is satisfied within each loop. In contrast, we start from the fact that first law of thermodynamics applies globally to the electric circuit as a whole. It is then shown that Kirchhoff’s voltage law may be derived as an extremum of the system entropy production constrained by
the first law applied globally, and that the extremum is a maximum. Thus the stationary distribution of currents in a linear electric circuit is governed by the principle of maximum entropy production.
Uobičajeni izvod Kirchhoffovoga zakona za električnu petlju temelji se na pretpostavci da prvi zakon termodinamike (zbroj umnožaka narinutih elektromotornih sila i odgovarajućih struja = proizvedenoj toplini) vrijedi za svaku petlju. U ovom radu Kirchhoffov zakon za električnu petlju izvodi se pomoću principa maksimalne proizvodnje entropije, uz uvjet da prvi zakon termodinamike vrijedi za čitavu linearnu mrežu. Na taj način pokazuje se da se razdioba stacionarnih struja podvrgava principu maksimalne proizvodnje entropije.
Publisher Croatian Chemical Society
Date 2005
Type text
Format application/pdf
Source Croatica Chemica Acta
ISSN 0011-1643 (Print)
ISSN 1334-417X (Online)
Volume 78
Issue 2
Language eng
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