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SME´s semi-formality rate in Costa Rica: a clusters approach

Faedpyme International Review

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Title SME´s semi-formality rate in Costa Rica: a clusters approach
SME´s semi-formality rate in Costa Rica: a clusters approach
Creator Brenes Bonilla, Lizette; Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED)
Bermúdez Mesén, Ligia; Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) de Costa Rica
Bermúdez Vargas, Katherine; Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) de Costa Rica
Subject semi-formal enterprises; formal enterprises; municipal operating licenses; clusters
semi-formal enterprises; formal enterprises; municipal operating licenses; clusters
Description The MSME Observatory has been studying MSMEs in Costa Rica. Its findings show that for every formal enterprise, there are 2.4 semi-formal ones. The latter refers to those enterprises that have already started the formalization process with the corresponding municipality but that still do not have all the formalization requirements.Owing to the importance of the semi-formal sector in the economic activity of Costa Rica, this study analyzed this business park and the role of municipal management concerning MSMEs, calculated the correlation among semi-formality, competitiveness, and development, and finally, proposed a cluster design to deal with the state of affairs. It should be noted that this type of analysis has never been undertaken in the country.
The MSME Observatory has been studying MSMEs in Costa Rica. Its findings show that for every formal enterprise, there are 2.4 semi-formal ones. The latter refers to those enterprises that have already started the formalization process with the corresponding municipality but that still do not have all the formalization requirements.Owing to the importance of the semi-formal sector in the economic activity of Costa Rica, this study analyzed this business park and the role of municipal management concerning MSMEs, calculated the correlation among semi-formality, competitiveness, and development, and finally, proposed a cluster design to deal with the state of affairs. It should be noted that this type of analysis has never been undertaken in the country.
Publisher FAEDPYME

Date 2016-02-10
Type Peer-reviewed Article
Artículo revisado por pares
Avaliado pelos pares
Format application/pdf
Source FAEDPYME INTERNATIONAL REVIEW; Vol 4, No 7 (2015); 47-52
Language en
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