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Proceedings of National Aviation University

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Creator Ilcev, Stojce
Description Abstract. This paper introduces development and implementation of new Local Satellite AugmentationSystem as an integration component of the Regional Satellite Augmentation System (RSAS) employingcurrent and new Satellite Communications, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) for improvement of the AirTraffic Control (ATC) and Air Traffic Management (ATM) and for enhancement safety systems includingtransport security and control of flights in all stages, airport approaching, landing, departures and allmovements over airport surface areas. The current first generation of the Global Navigation Satellite SystemGNSS-1 applications are represented by fundamental military solutions for Position, Velocity and Time ofthe satellite navigation and determination systems such as the US GPS and Russian GLONASS (Former-USSR) requirements, respectively. The establishment of Aeronautical CNS is also discussed as a part ofGlobal Satellite Augmentation Systems of GPS and GLONASS systems integrated with existing and futureRSAS and LSAS in airports areas. Specific influence and factors related to the Comparison of the Currentand New Aeronautical CNS System including the Integration of RSAS and GNSS solutions are discussedand packet of facts is determined to maximize the new satellite Automatic Dependent Surveillance System(ADSS) and Special Effects of the RSAS Networks. The possible future integration of RSAS and GNSS andthe common proposal of the satellite Surface Movement Guidance and Control are presented in thechangeless ways as of importance for future enfacements of ATC and ATM for any hypothetical airportinfrastructure.Keywords: ADSS, ATC, ATM, CNS, GSAS, LRAS, RSAS, SMGC, Special Effects of RSAS.
Publisher National Aviation University
Date 2011-03-01

Format application/pdf
Source Proceedings of National Aviation University; Том 48, № 3 (2011); 75-84
Вестник Национального авиационного университета; Том 48, № 3 (2011); 75-84
Вісник Національного Авіаційного Університету; Том 48, № 3 (2011); 75-84
Language en
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