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Why Rousseff is still the front runner

The Brazilian Economy

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Title Why Rousseff is still the front runner
Creator Neves, João Augusto de Castro
Description The president has been able to hold togetherthe federal governing coalition, but manycoalition partners are heading away fromthe PT in local elections. João Augusto deCastro Neves explains why, having dodgedthe risk of World Cup chaos, the standing ofRousseff and her party with their politicalbase of support is unlikely to shift muchbefore October.
Publisher The Brazilian Economy
The Brazilian Economy
Date 2014-01-01
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source The Brazilian Economy; v. 6, n. 7 (2014); 8-9
The Brazilian Economy; v. 6, n. 7 (2014); 8-9
Language por