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The pessimism continues

The Brazilian Economy

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Title The pessimism continues
Creator Thimoteo, Thais; FGV
Description NO MATTER WHERE BUSINESSPEOPLE ANDCONSUMERS LOOK, they see no reason to feeloptimistic about the direction of the Brazilianeconomy. The signs of a recession—GDP fell by0.6% in June and 0.2% in March, two consecutivequarters—uncertainty about the elections, andthe prospect of economic adjustments in 2015have brought Confidence Indexes in 2014 down tothe levels seen during the 2009 global crisis. SinceDecember 2013, the Business Confidence indicator (ICE)has fallen by 12%. Manufacturing and constructionhave consistently had the gloomiest prospects, eventhough the construction indicator went up in Augustand manufacturing in both July and August.
Publisher The Brazilian Economy
The Brazilian Economy
Date 2014-09-12
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source The Brazilian Economy; v. 6, n. 9 (2014); 28-29
The Brazilian Economy; v. 6, n. 9 (2014); 28-29
Language por
Rights Direitos autorais 2015 The Brazilian Economy