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Local Municipalities in the First Republic of Lithuania: Education of Council Members and Servants and Proffesional Development

Public Policy and Administration

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Title Local Municipalities in the First Republic of Lithuania: Education of Council Members and Servants and Proffesional Development
Vietos savivaldybės Pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje: tarybų narių bei tarnautojų išsimokslinimas ir kvalifikacijos tobulinimas
Creator Žilinskas, Gintaras
Subject professional development; education; council members; servants; local self-government
kvalifikacijos tobulinimas; išsilavinimas; tarybų nariai; tarnautojai; vietos savivaldybės
Description The aim of this article was to investigate education of council members and servants in the local self-governments and to identify manifestation of their professional development in the Republic of Lithuania during 1918–1940. Results of the study showed that only a little part of council members and servants were acquired higher education or advanced vocational education and training. However, majority of council members and servants were graduated primary schools or self-educated. Education of parliament members was higher than members of local municipalities. As distinct from members of local municipalities, education of parliament members was growing. There were established no system of common courses for all politicians of local municipalities and servants during the period of the First Republic of Lithuania. Professional development course were organised only for a limited number of secretaries and clerks of local self-government during the period of 1921–1925. 208 secretaries and clerks of local municipalities improved their qualification in all courses which were organised by Department of Local Municipalities during 1921-1925. Subject of law compounded the major part of these courses. Significant attention was given to the learning of Lithuanian language in the programs of 1922 and 1924, because many servants of local municipalities could speak and write Lithuanian not well enough. Board and head of counties also organised several courses for servants. There were no administration schools or permanent courses for servants of local municipalities during the period of 1918-1940. Problem of qualification of politicians and servants in local municipalities and its development was relevant during the all period of 1918-1940. It should be noted that low education of council members and servants and sporadic professional development course significantly limited possibilities of local self-government to implement the right to act free according to the supposed order of legislations during 1918–1940.
Vietos savivaldybių tarybų narių, tarnautojų išsilavinimo, kompetencijos ir jų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo problemos visuomet buvo aktualios. Tik išsilavinę ir kvalifikuoti tarybų nariai bei tarnautojai sugebės visiškai realizuoti savivaldybėms suteiktą teisę veikti laisvai ir savarankiškai pagal nustatytus teisės aktus. Nuo jų žinių, gebėjimų, energijos priklauso savivaldybių funkcionavimo veiksmingumas ir efektyvumas. Atsižvelgiant į tai, autorius analizuoja vietos savivaldybių tarybų narių ir tarnautojų išsilavinimą ir nustato jų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo apraiškas Lietuvos Respublikoje 1918–1940 m. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad tik nedidelė dalis tarybos narių ir tarnautojų buvo įgijusi aukštąjį ir aukštesnįjį išsilavinimą, daugelis buvo baigę pradines mokyklas arba buvo savamoksliai. Dėl žemo savivaldybių tarybų narių ir tarnautojų išsilavinimo lygio ir atsitiktinių, pavienių jų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo kursų buvo labai ribojamos savivaldybių galimybės realizuoti teisę veikti laisvai ir savarankiškai pagal nustatytus teisės aktus.
Publisher Mykolas Romeris University

Date 2013-10-11
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Public Policy and Administration; Vol 12, No 3 (2013): Public Policy and Administration; 497–508
Viešoji politika ir administravimas; Vol 12, No 3 (2013): Public Policy and Administration; 497–508
Language ltu
Rights Copyright (c) 2014 Public Policy and Administration