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Portfolio Diversification with Commodities in Times of Financialization

International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies

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Title Portfolio Diversification with Commodities in Times of Financialization
Creator Zaremba, Adam; Poznan University of Economics
Subject Finance, Investments
commodities, commodity futures, financialization, mean-variance spanning test, strategic asset allocation
Description The study concentrates on the benefits of passive commodity investments in the context of the phenomenon of financialization. The research investigates the implications of increase in the correlation coefficients between equity and commodity investments for investors in financial markets. The paper is composed of several parts. First, the attributes of commodity investments and their benefits in the portfolio optimization are explored. Second, the phenomenon of the financialization is described and the research hypothesis is developed. Next, an empirical analysis is performed. I simulate the mean-variance spanning tests to examine the benefits of commodity investments before and after accounting for the impact of financialization. I proceed separate analysis for pre- and post-financialization period. The empirical research is based on asset classes’ returns and other related variables from years 1991-2012. The performed investigations indicate that the market financialization may have significant implications for commodity investors. Due to increase in correlation coefficients, the inclusion of the commodity futures in the traditional stock-bond portfolio appears to be no longer reasonable.
Publisher SSBFNET
Date 2015-03-01
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Peer-reviewed Article
Format application/pdf
Source International Journal of Finance & Banking Studies (ISSN: 2147- 4486); Vol 4, No 1 (2015): JANUARY; 18-36
Language eng