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Analysis of Sustainability Incorporation by Industrial Supply Chain in Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil)

Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management

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Title Analysis of Sustainability Incorporation by Industrial Supply Chain in Rio Grande do Sul State (Brazil)
Creator Dalé, Luíse Bispo da Costa; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do RS – PUCRS
Roldan, Lucas Bonacina; Faculdade Dom Alberto
Hansen, Peter Bent; Pontifícia Universidade Católica do RS – PUCRS
Subject Industrial supply chains, sustainability, incorporation.
Description This research aims at analyzing how sustainability is being incorporated by industrial focal companies on supply chain practices within Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil. An exploratory qualitative research was performed using a multiple case study strategy where four focal companies were investigated. These focal companies actuate with their supply chains in the electric-electronic, energy and footwear industries. Findings concluded that the economic pillar is still the most important for the investigated companies. It was also noted that the environmental pillar is becoming even more relevant, and the social one is still incipient within the practices of the industrial focal companies of the supply chains investigated.
Publisher FGV EAESP
Date 2011-06-26
Type info:eu-repo/semantics/article

Format application/pdf
Source Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management; Vol 4, No 1 (2011): January - June; 25-36
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management; Vol 4, No 1 (2011): January - June; 25-36
Language eng