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Competitive advantages of the national economy under conditions of open markets

The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration

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Title Competitive advantages of the national economy under conditions of open markets
Creator Vitaly Aleshchenko; Institute of Economy and Organization of an Industrial Production of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Omsk
Alexandru Nedelea; Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
Description In the article factors of economic growth of Russia at a globa l competitiveness are analy zed. In contemporary conditions, influence on competitiveness of national economy is emerged . There were necessary system transformations in conditions of transition from scheduled to the market pattern of functioning in the Russian economy. Branch changes of development of economy in conditions of the open market allow asserting that the national economic system works in a regime of reproduction of the competitive enterprises. Due to economic reforms from the last period, competitive and noncompetitive sectors have come to light in an obvious kind in an industry and in agriculture (in agrarian sector these processes passed with a delay). Competitiveness of the Russian economy at the present stage bases on production of low technological repartitions, is mai ntained by tactical price factors, and practically does not mention material production conditions that make a similar sort of competitiveness rather unstable in the long -term period. Besides the national economic system movable only by market forces is fa r from being always in state to generate desirable structural shifts.
Publisher Editura Universitatii Ştefan cel Mare din Suceava
Date 2008-11-18

Format application/pdf
Source The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration; Vol 8 (2008); 17-21
The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration; Vol 8 (2008); 17-21
Language en